Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some basic questions and answers
to help you get started.

Here at Deakin Dental Care we take pride in making your experience the best it can be from the moment you walk through our door. Before one of our dental assistants bring you into the treatment room, you will need to fill out a New Patient form shown to you by one of our receptionists. After this is completed, you will be in the safe hands of our highly experienced dentists and dental assistants for the care you need.

Yes, when you call us the reception staff will assess your emergency by asking a series of questions to access the severity in order to arrange an appointment with one of our clinicians. They will also provide information on how to handle your emergency before your appointment.

Consultation is 45 minutes.
Check-up and clean is 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Fillings are 1 to 1.5 hours

We suggest you bring your children to see us once all their baby teeth have erupted. It’s a great idea to have your kids accompany you to your regular check-up, so they can see your treatment and understand that it’s not a bad experience!
Your child’s first visit is very simple, consisting of a fun “ride” in our special chair, and counting how many teeth they have together. At their next appointment 6 months later we may clean their teeth and have a closer look.

Your oral hygiene is extremely important to take care of every single day. Starting as easy as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day can reduce the risk of tooth decay, bad breath and other consequences of bad oral hygiene.

Using a soft bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste, brush your teeth up and down from gum to tooth around your mouth. Try not to scrub sideways, as this can cause your teeth to become very sensitive around the gum line over time. Try using an electric toothbrush with extra features like pressure sensors and timers, to make brushing your teeth a little bit easier and more fun.

Today’s dental technology has made dentistry as quick and pain-free as possible. Our gentle and caring dentists will do everything they can to make your visit to Deakin Dental Care a pleasant experience. With the help of local anaesthetic, we can make having a filling a pain-free, comfortable experience.

We understand visiting a dentist can make some nervous, that is why we offer a variety of anti-anxiety treatments to help our patients through their dental phobias. These include Oral sedation, IV sedation/ or twilight sedation, Happy gas and General Anaesthesia.

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