Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

At Deakin Dental Care, we understand that dental anxiety can be a significant barrier to seeking treatment. That’s why we offer a range of sedation dentistry options to help patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their visit. Our team is dedicated to promoting dental health by providing alternatives to traditional dental procedures and offering anesthesia and pain management options. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you overcome your dental anxiety and receive the dental care you need.
At Deakin Dental Care, we work with professional and experienced sedationists and anesthetists who provide IV sedation to patients who are highly anxious or have a very sensitive gag reflex, to undergo dentistry in a comfortable and safe environment.
If you do not fall within the criteria to receive dental treatment under IV sedation, then our dentists are accredited to treat patients under GA at John James Hospital in Deakin.
Call Us if you have more questions about this to discuss it with our friendly team.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Experience stress-free dental procedures with sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry. Patients can avoid anxiety-triggering sensations and wake up with a brand-new smile or complete extensive dental work. If you’re anxious or need extensive dental work, sedation dentistry allows you to relax and wake up with no recollection of the procedure. Contact us to learn more.

Risks of Sedation Dentistry

At Deakin Dental Care, we prioritize your safety during all sedation dentistry and anesthesia procedures. That’s why we use Dental Board-endorsed dental sedation techniques.
Thanks to technological advancements, the risks associated with modern sedation dentistry and anesthesia are now very low. This means that sedation dentistry is a safe option for almost all patients.
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