Root Canal Treatment ​

What Is A Root Canal?

Root canal treatment can save a tooth with a damaged or infected pulp, preventing the spread of infection. The procedure involves removing the diseased pulp and reshaping the canal, before cleaning and sealing it. A crown is then placed on top of the tooth to increase its strength. In the past, damaged teeth would have been removed, but root canal treatment now offers a safe solution to save your natural smile. Contact us today to learn more about our root canal services.

What Happens During A Root Canal?

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, a root canal may be necessary to save your tooth. Fortunately, this endodontic treatment is usually simple and causes little to no discomfort. The procedure typically involves one to three visits to your dentist. Here’s how it works:
Here is a step-by-step guide to how the procedure saves your tooth:
  • Your dentist makes an opening through the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber.
  • The injured or dead pulp is removed, and the root canals are irrigated and medicated.
  • A Temporary filling is placed in the opening at the top of the tooth in order to protect it between procedures. Alternatively, the tooth may be left open to drain for a couple of days.
  • The Temporary Filling gets removed and the pulp chamber and root canal(s) are cleaned then filled.
  • A crown is placed over the tooth.
  • Most patients report that having a root canal treatment today is as unremarkable as getting a filling.
Many patients find that the root canal procedure is as routine as getting a filling. If you need a root canal, don’t hesitate to seek treatment to save your natural tooth.
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